About Us

Dear Customer,


My passion for health and fitness led me to notice issues that I always have with activewear. Everything was either too tight or wouldn’t stay on properly, was either comfortable or functional but never both, and was either entirely feminine or entirely masculine. 

About 2 years ago I decided to stop complaining and start doing. I poured my savings into the development of my first product; the Bree Everything Onesie. Backless silhouette, that holds just right for day to night active living. A simple sheath to live, run, and be joyful in.

Today it is no longer a drawing on paper, but a product that is available for purchase and ready to be worn by you!

Just like me, Bree Active is born and raised in Malibu, which means it’s all about activity and good vibes. I hope you love how it fits your life… and please connect! I’d love to hear from you!


